Wow! Looking back over everything I've written in the past and comparing it to what's going on know...I'm a woman stuck in stand still...I believe they call this the "Limbo Years." A major achevement I've made would be my relationship with God, it's coming to full circle so to speak. I've been in Decatur, AL for almost a year now. Working and watching time zoom right by. My daughters are growing into beautiful, smart young ladies :D right infront of my eyes...my how time flys :(. Well it would take entirely to much to blog about everything that's been going on with me...so let me just say I'm still tryna shake the devil! Ow ow praying all the times and not sometimes these last few days have been inate almost. I can't win for losing. I'm starting and I hate it but, feel so cold. People don't get me, they take my kindness for weakness. Keeping it real seems to adult to do, I'm so over trusting people it's sad...Love has gotten to be blind because I've been dealing so much drama when it comes to that 4 letter word, I swear. That's another blog...and it's coming very soon, it's just so late and I'm not up for it. Currently, I'm getting things in shape and doing well. I have to stay focused...staying focused...LoL. Let's just say I am working so hard on that...what can I say I'm impossive :) But I'm holding things down as always. I've been without transportation for these past few months, thanks to a dear friend tho I have a way to and fro. But I'm ober excited cause I go pick up my honda this weekend Thank the Lord! Getting on track, slowly but surely. Next is Calhoun Community College if I don't have my black tail taking classes by the end of the summer...It feels good to reunite with one of my stress relievers>>>BLOGGING<<< Till next time and hopefully that's tomorrow.
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