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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Get off me!

I'm back to feeling the same ole tired way, feeling sick and tired. I forgot about turning to me blog whenever I felt things getting outta control... Its like I can't shake the devil. So here I am back to you :) Your like my mary jane my very own series of personal vent letters.

Currently I'm listening to my Mp3...Coldplay-Lovers in Japan-Reign of Love, (I love Coldplay!) Is playing and since its on shuffle the song doesn't particularly pertain to anything. [[Music]] relaxes me, soothes me, takes me to another place, clams me, entertains and distracts my negative feelings and thoughts. It transforms me into an actress because with every genre hip-hop, r&b, alternative, country, ect. Whatever the genre is, I go there :) I'm consumed by music it's my weakness, a form of communication for me. I hope my husband will dance with me often, he better if he wants to keep the sizzle in our relationship. I'm so zoned out! I can barely focus on the task at hand, of completing this blog, which has taken a 360 from its original topic. Smh! like I said "My Weakness". And just like that, I'm going to go ahead and enjoy this bit of peace I've obtained listening to my lil magical music box. Till next time, because I'm gonna need to get whatever it was off my chest eventually.